This animated masterpiece, starring Ivan Labanda and Albert Trifol Segarra, tells a moving story entirely without dialogue. Through beautiful visuals and profound emotional depth, "Robot Dreams" explores themes
A powerful documentary that follows a father's fight for justice in rural India. "To Kill A Tiger" evokes intense emotions as it dives deep into the complexities of seeking justice in a challenging cultural environment
Starring a stellar cast including Florence Pugh, Austin Butler, Timothée Chalamet, and Zendaya, this epic sci-fi sequel expands on Frank Herbert's rich world. "Dune: Part Two" delves deeper into the political intrigue
This Japanese film, featuring Sakura Ando and Eita Nagayama, masterfully unravels a mystery about the true identity of a "monster." Its complex narrative and deep character studies make it a fascinating puzzle
Directed by Azazel Jacobs and starring Carrie Coon, Natasha Lyonne, and Elizabeth Olsen, this emotionally charged drama explores the tense relationship between three sisters as they grapple
This documentary revisits the famous Apollo 13 mission, breathing new life into the historical event through archival footage and audio. "Apollo 13: Survival" offers a fresh perspective on a well-known story
Starring Lily Gladstone and Isabel Deroy-Olson, this film centers on the life of a Native American woman searching for her missing sister. "Fancy Dance" offers an intimate look at indigenous life in America
This heart-wrenching documentary follows music legend Celine Dion as she battles a neurological disorder. "I Am: Celine Dion" offers an intimate and emotional portrayal of the star’s struggles, showing her resilience
With voices from Amy Poehler, Maya Hawke, and Lewis Black, this sequel brings back the emotional adventures of Riley's mind. "Inside Out 2" continues to blend emotional depth with stunning animation